Pepe, Tony, Jose and Vince - World of Plaster Directors

As is typical in most businesses, we have gone through our ups and downs over the years. Factors such as economic conditions, relationships, market expectations, environmental considerations, product development, changing business plans and models and many other factors all affect how people steer their businesses or life’s work as is our case, through the different phases of business evolution.

At some point though, and this does not refer to everyone and every situation of course, but I believe those who care about what they do, and those who study and learn from past experiences, will evolve into a state of clarity.

The definition of the word clarity, is clearness of lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.

I believe it takes clarity to inspire and generate ideas for the construction industry. It takes clarity to self-manage your own business, and be able to find solutions to satisfy the ever changing needs of home owners and builders.  It takes clarity to see what needs to be done to ensure the service you are providing from start to finish, is dynamic and satisfies your customers. It takes clarity to see what can be done to help the greater community to benefit from the positivity and hard work done by those who can make a difference.

We have a clear vision at World of Plaster. One that I believe is the sum of our opportunities and experiences. One that is dynamic and allows the consideration of  the key point, that we are learning and evolving all the time, in an environment that is unforgiving to those who don’t change with it. Our aim with this blog is that we can pass on some of our plastering, business and life lessons, in our journey to build better houses, a better business and more satisfying and happier lives.

I’ll leave you at this point of the blog. Stay tuned for some of the exciting, and not so exciting (but informative) blogs to come!